Friday, November 25, 2016

Hallgrimskirkja and more

Great day today as we began our exploration of Reykjavik. We started with a visit to Hallgrimskirkja, a church with fabulous views of the city. Then, we did a little shopping and mom got herself a gorgeous Icelandic wool sweater. We stopped at a bookstore, and I got a copy of Independent People by Icelandic Nobel Prize winner Halldor Laxness. Can't wait to start reading! After that, we stumbled on some murals on a side street before we reached the Torfan Lobster House for an amazing lunch. From there, the National Gallery and home to prepare for another hot soak. We are really enjoying our trip and Iceland. Plans are already in the works for a summer trip at some point(after our bank accounts have recovered from this one). More wandering tomorrow.

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